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March 8, 2018

Xref People Search Platform Set to Drive Value from Referee Data

Xref People Search Platform Set to Drive Value from Referee Data

Xref Limited (ASX:XF1), the human resources technology company, has today announced a new addition to its product lineup, a solution that offers value beyond the Company’s core offering.

Xref People Search is a standalone analytics platform that will help users quickly and easily search and filter the referee data that is already held in their Xref account. The app, which is currently in beta, will be available to clients via the Xref platform as an additional paid product that can be used alongside the core Xref solution.

To date, information relating to referees has been available on the accounts of Xref users but, until now, there has been no streamlined method for utilising that data. Xref People Search maps the details of job roles and places of employment provided by referees when submitting references. It enables users to filter the information available and identify persons of interest from a database of referees that have provided feedback on their candidates, via the Xref platform. This data is already securely stored on the platform and property of the user, but the Xref People Search solution offers a simple and efficient way of filtering and mapping it.

Traditionally, one of the greatest challenges in the recruitment market is the ability to source candidates that would be the best fit for a role, but are not currently considered a “job seeker”. In skill-short markets, companies are trying to find new ways to source these so called “passive candidates”. Xref has identified an opportunity to help clients discover talent in the market and filter each group down to a shortlist or individual of interest.

Traditionally employers do not retain referee data and contact details, given they do not have a secure means to do so and would have no efficient method for utilising the information in the future.

Key features of the Xref People Search product include:

  • Global search capabilities, allowing clients to find further information available via the internet on individuals in their Xref database.
  • Market mapping, which will identify common sources of top talent and support users in reaching groups of candidates via their recruitment marketing efforts.
  • Direct export functionalities, enabling candidate data to be exported into chosen ATS or Talent Community systems to be considered for future roles.
  • A mobile-friendly user experience, for on-the-go and real-time candidate, search and contact needs.

Xref People Search is the latest in a line of solutions added to Xref’s core functionalities, to improve the value Xref offers users and increase Average Revenue Per Account (ARPA). Other new features and platform updates have included the Xref Sentiment Engine, report branding, enhanced data analytics, advanced user management and many more features that increase the value returned against the overall credit price.

When broadly introduced to market, Xref People Search will be a paid service available to all Xref account holders. It is currently in beta with a select group of clients and feedback to date has been extremely positive.

Investor and media enquiries:

Ashley Rambukwella, FCR

Tel: +61 (0)2 8264 1004 / +61 (0)407 231 282

Australian Unity

Sarah Blanchard, Head of Talent, Australian Unity

“When recruiting care professionals the biggest challenge is that there is typically a lack of connection between them. They will rarely have a LinkedIn profile, and there are limited social industry groups, so there are very few opportunities to adequately network through the talent community. Access to a proactive searching platform reduces the need for costly job advertising, minimises recruitment spend and enables us to make targeted recruitment efforts.”


Agnes Isaias, Recruitment Manager, YMCA NSW

"YMCA helps thousands of young people in 740 communities across Australia. Finding the best talent, quickly and in the right regional - and often remote - locations can be difficult. This, coupled with a shortage of skilled, experienced people means traditional job advertising approaches usually lack success. We are required to be proactive recruitment marketers and source passive candidates that are not actively seeking a new role but would be a great fit for our organisation. Utilising the data we have already gathered in Xref allows us to spot trends and identify talent that we would ordinarily struggle to find.”

Tim Griffiths

“This is an exciting product launch for us and further evidence of our ability to offer clients complimentary applications that their leverage aggregated data to provide deeper market insight. As a client’s adoption increases and the data on their account grows, we can offer value through advanced analytics. We have already proven the benefits of being able to identify candidates that have faked references, saving clients globally from wasted recruitment and onboarding costs. Now we have the ability to help the industry identify talent sourcing trends and passive candidates that would ordinarily be missed.”

Executive director / CTO Tim Griffiths

Lee Martin Seymour

“For the last two years our team has focused on evolving and improving our core platform, by rebuilding key components, adding features and capabilities, and integrating with leading global ATS providers. The introduction of Xref People Search demonstrates our commitment to bringing best of breed applications to the HR and recruitment industry and enabling users to benefit from the full potential of the data available to them.”

Executive director / CEO Lee-Martin Seymour

Brad Rosser

“This is another example of Xref’s commitment to offering value to clients while improving platform adoption and increasing ARPA (Annual Revenue per Account). The product is as smart in its delivery as it is simple to use, and presents a win-win situation for both organisations looking to hire and for great talent to be identified for the perfect next role.”

Xref chairman Brad Rosser

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